Saturday, January 22, 2011

Roast Herby Chicken

Another roast chicken recipe, page 188 in Recipe book.

Had a large Lilydale chicken, peeled off the fat clumps near the cavity and washed it out and patted dry. Then in a big bowl I mixed the leaves from a bunch of basil, maybe 50 or so leaves, 3 cloves garlic peeled and squashed with a broad knife, 1 teaspoon crushed garlic, the leaves from 3 x 5 cm sprigs of thyme, the leaves from 3x 8cm sprigs of rosemary, and quartered lemon. I then pushed the mixture into the cavity and pinned shut with a skewer. I rubbed the outside skin of the chicken with a spoon of crushed garlic and lemon juice, and then sprinkled with some dried basil and set it aside to marinate for an hour (should be overnight).

I took two small leeks and 2 large carrots and cleaned and chopped finely. I then made an alfoil tray by taking a double thickness sheet of alfoil and turning up the edges and folding the corners. I popped the vegetables and some lite salt and pepper in the bottom of the roasting tin. I had some butternut pumpkin in the fridge so popped that in too.

Then Peter did the roasting outside in our covered BBQ, 160C for 90 mins or until fluid runs clear when pierced between leg and breast.

It was quite yummy for a PV meal, 9/10, but I don't think those vegetables were really compliant having chicken juices drip through them....
I served with a side of steamed asparagus which was a nice clean finish.

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